Monday, March 5, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

So, I've been slacking quite a bit with my blog and my site now that I've started my classes again.
I've been learning a good deal in both my intermediate figure drawing and my intro to painting the figure classes. Mostly of what not to do and my weaknesses, most of all my values. I seem to be leaving out a great deal of transistions in the midtones. This piece is a great example.
On top of my values giving me issues, I continue to struggle with charcoal. I love the quality of charcoal, but I just can't seem to control it like I can pencil. Maybe this is something I should work on. Maybe I try to be too tight in my drawings and should learn to loosen up more? I have been using pencil with vine to mass in my darks and this has actually been pretty interesting. I'm going to experiment with this a bit more. I'll do my best to continue posting on a more regular basis and I'll try and get some more images up here.

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