Tuesday, December 20, 2011

4 hour self portrait

So I'm not too sure what I keep doing wrong. It just doesn't look quite right. I know first off the mouth is a little off, but other than that I can't put my finger on it. I do believe that I keep rushing through my drawings. I need to slow down and spend more time on the values and pay more attention to the slight details in the core shadow annd be sure to get my measurments just right before I even start to lay in the values.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

New Figure Drawing Class

I'll be starting a new figure drawing class in about a month and a half with the Academy of Art Online. I will say that for the most part the Academy of Art Online has been a great school, but when it comes to figurative classes, drawing from photos that they send is not quite what I'm looking for. I suppose it works for the most part giving you a working knowledge for drawing from life. Along with my studies at the Academy of Art I continue to practice on my own following the atelier method. I've started with some Bargue plates and copying some master works and I'll continue to perfect this as much as possible. I'm providing a couple of bargue plates and a Jacob Collins master copy.

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Beginning of a new blog

So, here I am. Having moved from Italy to Charleston, SC. In doing my research I found that Charleston was probably the best place to come back to after having spent 10 years in Italy. There's plenty of history, great food and let's not forget about all of the art here.

This blog is to work hand-in-hand with my website http://www.cgarveyfineart.com/ so that other artists, gallery owners and the like might be able to leave comments regarding this site or the artists within, so feel free to leave me any comments or suggestions.